Yuvan Shankar Raja turns to Islam for ‘Peace’

Success, fame, money or relationships and not even one’s profession do not give peace of mind for any person in the world. It is acquired by different persons at different places. It is not necessary that it should be same for everyone. All it wants is a place where the person is at peace and can re-live his inner thoughts.

Searching for peace of mind comes at different ages for different persons. More importantly the person would seek for it. The situation that leads to get that depends on one’s own wish or it may be depend on the circumstances that there is nothing in the world that he or she has to achieve any further.

Our own super star Rajini seeks solace and peace going to Himalayas and spends time with his Baba. And when he is at home he gets it from Guru Raghavendra. That does not mean peace and solace are available only at those places. It is available everywhere. If the person thinks it is available at home, it is available there.

Same way our own Mozart of Madras was seeking solace and peace for his own reason and purpose due to the untimely demise of his father, when AR Rahman was at a young age. He found that in Islam and Allah and now he is bestowed with everything he wanted. However high AR Rahman flies, his feet is firmly grounded, and never forgets to thank his Almighty who gave him everything he sought or not sought.

In this connotation we believe that our own music composer Yuvan Shankar Raja is seeking solace and peace in Islam religion. Kollywood insiders who do not want to be named say that of late Yuvan is more comfortable and at peace in Islam. newtamilcinema.in is glad to report the breaking story of young and happening music director Yuvan Shankar Raja.

About Yuvan

Yuvan the youngest son of Maestro Ilayaraja was found to be drawn towards music at a nascent age itself. He observed the melody, rhythm and rages his father has created very intensively. Slowly and steadily he started his own creations in music world. Surprisingly he has developed knowledge of western style music too. Whether western based or ‘gramiya’ isai or folk songs, he has produced wonderful tunes making his father very proud.

Failed Love Marriage

Like every youth in their teens, Yuvan too was drawn to ‘love’. His father was happy that his son is interested in married life, and gave his consent to marry the girl of his choice without any hesitation. Alas, the marriage did not last long, for reasons unknown. But Yuvan was not perturbed and continue to haunt the music lovers with his lilting tunes.

It is not mandatory that ‘love’ once failed should not come again for a person. Yuvan got his love for the second time and his parents were very happy. This time, they made his second marriage a family affair. Quite horribly this time too it did not go the way Yuvan expected it to be. Sources close to him say that his wife had left him making Yuvan depressed. As usual it was said that his horoscope was not conducive for marriage, and so on and so forth. Despite this, Yuvan continued his journey in music world like a conqueror with a vengeance.

Mother’s loss hit him most

Mother was his soul and comfort during his troubled days. But God has taken her too from him. Loss of mother had hit Yuvan very badly. His schedules went hay wire and topsy-turvy. He spent his time at his music studio and avoided coming to home. He did not get any solace from his relatives and friends too, it is said.

Turning Point

Dejected and depressed in life, Yuvan was seeking peace of mind and solace which he earlier received from his mother. But it is not available in retail stores to go and buy it. He suffered thinking about his life and loss of his beloved mother.

One day a friend of him handed over ‘Quran’ book and asked him to read it. His mind was not focussed and so he did not even make an attempt to rush through the book. Suddenly his inner conscience must have pushed him perhaps, he opened the book and started reading a page, by which time he was drawn into sleep. After waking up, he felt as if he was born new and felt energized.

Feeling comfortable and with determination he started reading the Quaran completely. After reading the book, he felt he has attained what he was seeking from the book. His focus was then turned towards Islam and started following the ritualistic culture of the religion, viz. praying five times a day, say the sources.

Yuvan at last found his peace of mind and solace from Islam. It is also heard that Allah has not only bestowed him, his much needed ‘peace’, but also a ‘good looking girl’ to lead his life happily.

We are happy for Yuvan that at last he has found his solace and peace in the place where he is comfortable and destined.  Place, religion or culture and anything is not important, it is the means to get the peace that is relevant and important. And Yuvan has found that now.

  1. Moinudeen says

    May peace and blessing of God Almighty be on all of us…

    Islam [meaning peace] is not set after prophet mohamad[sal] born but rather it is set in the phase of earth when first man prophet Adam[sal] was created..Many people ignorant of this which is said in the Quran itself by God Almighty as People forget about their purpose of creation and their relationship with God Almighty. Many a times, people never thought why they have been created by God Almighty?.. Quran says that Peace can only be attained if people remember GOD ALMIGHTY IN EACH AND EVERY PHASE OF LIFE WITHOUT ASSOCIATING ANY CREATED THINGS TO HIS ATTRIBUTES. Creator never be equal to creations and not in the least bit. This is only taught in Islam but not in other religions whose messages were corrupted by human hands with the insinuation of Shaitaan who is most enemy to mankind which many people forgot. But Quran gurantees that its messages will be protected by God Almighty himself as God Almighty is most merciful to mankind.almost 1400 years, its messages is pure and people of the western policy makers tried to corrupt it but it is still protected without any man made corruption. this itself is one of the miraclous sign of God Almighty. We have been created by God Almighty for a purpose ie to worship Him alone and not to follow the foot steps of shaitaan. Islam is only religion that exists in the phase of the earth that says God cant be equal to His creations which is the main attribute of God Almighty.Our life is not eternal although all like to lead eternal life. this life is test and destination could be Hell or heaven based on his actions in this world. May Allah[swt] increase Yuvan’s guidance and make him steadfast in his religion. Aameen.

    — Moinudeen

  2. Moinudeen says


    islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. I am not giving this message out of good hope that muslims population to be increased. But I am saying this out of belief that Truth only Truimphs and in which Islam is the true religion accepted by God Almighty from the day Adam[pbuh] was created. Even the west tries to extinguish the light of Islam, they cant get success and they will be defeated. That is the declaration of God ALmighty.. here is what Quran says…

    It is He who has sent His messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to mainfest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah hate it! [Quran 9: 33]…

    If the people want to save themselves from the punishment of God Almighty, Let them not follow shaitaan and do not associate partners to Him and do not keep equal to anyone to His Dominion of Heavens and Earth. Verily He is the Ruler of All…

  3. rilwan says

    power of allah good moment yuvan

  4. Rilwan Razeen says

    We are glad that finally Yuvan has found peace and solace thru Islam. Let us allow Yuvan to be Yuvan, and bring out more of his melodious musi. Please do not utter words like ‘ Power of Allah’, just stop this nonsense.

    1. Salim says

      What is wrong in uttering the word “power of Allah”? Is Allah not all-powerful?

  5. mohammed Althaf says

    one world
    one religion
    one god
    one book (quran)
    one prophet (mohammad sal)

  6. wazeem says

    my Great salam for you,Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu,
    It is my kind request to watch the youtubes preaches of Islam by Ismail Musa Menk and Zakir Naik.

    ALLAH will help you in every moment.

  7. SKS Nathan says

    Sab ka Malik ek hai……Iraivanidam kai yendhungal,,,Avar illai endru solluvadhu illai…..Yuan, Allah will give you the peace you have been searching for….

    1. Shuaib Ali says

      When I read your comments brother, tears came to my eyes. even though I am a born Muslim, your words touched my heart when you said “Iraivanidam Kai Yendhungal, Avar Illai endu solluwadhillai…” Even we forget that God Almighty Allah is the one who can give the right solutions to our problems…Thanks Bro, May Allah guide us all…aameen!

  8. niceanand says

    I am glad that you have found peace. Few questions
    1. Is music haram in Islam?
    2. Did you read any other holy book?


  9. siddikbasha says

    masha allah.

  10. NIZAR says


    1. Sarusa says

      Are you saying Hindu religion is a wrong path. Why don’t you bastards go to Pakistan if you have problem living among the infidels. You bastards!

  11. Sarusa says

    Yuvan is an idiot. Islam is a religion of war and terrorism, I don’t understand when he says he converted to Islam for peace. Is he saying there is no peace in Hindu religion. He is trying to emulate the success of ARR, mistakenly believing that Islam would give him that. Shame on you man.

    1. vggggh says

      you cannot say like this way if are a true follower of any religion.because every religion says to respect other religions.my request to u my sister u research everything about other religons and find the truth.

  12. nizamuddin says

    thank you for yuvan shankar raja in muslim candiate all the best for

  13. Sathiyakumar says

    I don’t understand why there is such a excessively high opinion of oneself or their religion. You are giving a feel that life satisfaction or peace is almost entirely about the social aspect of religion, rather than the theological or spiritual aspect of religion. This is for the Muslims especially, There is nothing to be happy about. River, Rain or Lake, they all mean water anyway. It does not matter from where you drink it.

  14. sweety says

    May ALLAH bless you. all praise is 4 ALLAH who gav u d thought 2 bcum a MUSLIM

  15. ameen says


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